Here's one I did today for the
Virtual Paintout. I'm not really a high key painter. I usually like lots of contrast with lots of good, rich darks, but I tried something different with this one. I'm happy with how it turned out. I'm also including the prelim sketch I did in about 30 minutes on my lunch break today.
Comments are always welcome. Thanks for looking.
18" x 24", oil on mounted linen, Google Streetview Florence, Italy

I love the colors! Molto bella!
tion is incredible...
Thanks Michelle and Maree.
I think it looks terrific...though I have a personal preference for the pieces that you post with the image of your pochade box and the view you are painting.
A beautiful piece!!! Very good composition and I like the muted tones... thanks for the sketch as well.
Interested in the mounting linen process!
Bill, this is one of the best things you've done. Definitely something you should be doing again. You've captured the feeling of Tuscan light and the lovely architecture and the iconic cypresses.
30 mins only??? Wow!! Love the light. I imagine Florence to be like this.
Thanks Veronica. I like those working shots also. If I had the time, I'd start another blog entitled "Pochades in Action!", and just post anyones working shot they wished to send me...
Hi Carol. Thanks. I use acrylic matte medium on either prepared masonite or prepared birch panels to adhere linen or canvas. I cut it slightly larger than the panel, apply the medium, place the canvas or linen piece on the panel, smooth with my hands, and the roll it tight and flat with a small roller. I then place these panels flat, under weight until dry. Then I trim the sides, or fold over and "glue" it with the medium.
Thanks Mick. This one felt really good as it progressed.
Hi Carolann. 30 minutes for the sketch, not the painting. ;)
Thanks. I'm happy with the light.
I was admiring all your beautiful paintings yesterday, can't wait for the opening tomorrow night. Maybe you will inspire me to paint en plein air again. I think Kentucky is hard to paint because everything is so green but you do a good job of making it successful.
Nice work--great sketch and I like the high key.
This is marvelous. The colors are so soft, and yet there's such contrast...don't know how you achieved that.
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