Sunday, April 5, 2009

Otter Creek Field

Here's a plein air I did this afternoon. The light kept changing, so it became quite a challenge. Need to simplify, simplify, simplify! I did lose a bunch of the buildings and rearrange things a bit. 9" x 12", painted over an old painting on linen panel, brushes. The usual limited palette.


L.Holm said...

It's so interesting to see your set-up and the vista beyond your canvas. A good lesson in how to simplify. Thanks! beautiful paintings. Liz

Jill Berry said...

Hello Bill,
I was glad to discover your blog recently. Didn't know of any hard core plein air painters from KY.
I am passing on this "Passion for Painting" Blog Award to you! You can check my blog to cut and paste it into your's. The way it works, is that you can pass it on to 5-7 others, share 5-7 things you love, and link back to my blog.
Or just keep on painting.

Billy Guffey said...

Thanks Liz. I should have simplified this one much more than I did. Think I'll try it again here soon.

Billy Guffey said...

Hi Jill. Thanks so much for the award. It really is appreciated.